Books and Movies

Good books and movies not only entertain us, but help us to reflect on life—its ups and downs, triumphs and tragedies. In its corrective function, literature and art mirror the ills of a society hoping to make amends. In its edifying function, it projects the virtues or good values of a society for people to emulate.

Posts in this section will look at Art & Literature as an imitation of human behavior.  Of course, the books and movies represented here are chosen because they all promote themes related to the Label Me Different focus, such as tolerance and acceptance of those who are different—regardless of whether those differences are due to appearance, family structure, culture, ethnicity, gender preference, socioeconomic status, or social skills.

Some of the books and movies directly address bullying actions such as taunting, teasing, exclusion and violence. Other books contain stories that deal with issues of personal identity and social acceptance.

Let’s begin today to make the world a better place by reading and sharing good books.

What are your favorite books or movies in which an outcast or outsider triumphs over bullying, isolation, or intolerance?.
