harriet beecher stowe writingAs a fan of writer’s homes, I love to be in the space where famous authors created their work. For most of these writers, a peek into their world only happened many years after their death, when their books were famous and people’s curiosity peaked. Here are two of my favorite author’s writing spaces (both Connecticut natives, like myself):

Harriet Beecher Stowe (pictured to the left) wrote wherever she could, penning Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the nooks and crannies of her home in Hartford, Connecticut.

Mark Twain (pictured below) wrote many of his famous works behind this desk in his home in Elmira, New York, but his signature works–Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer–were penned in his brick mansion in Hartford, Connecticut.


And then there’s me, nowhere near as famous, nor as renowned as Twain and Stowe, but an author, none-the-less. Here’re a few pictures of my home office decorated for the holidays. It’s not always this neat, but it’s my vintage space in the Caribbean. A little bit of my New England heritage inspires all that I write.

My Snow Flake Christmas Tree, to remind me of New England Christmas long gone by

My Snow Flake Christmas Tree, to remind me of New England Christmas long gone by


The space that inspired City of Sorrows, Wondrous Woman, and Dante's Kiss

The space that inspired City of Sorrows, Wondrous Woman, and Dante’s Kiss


What about you? Do you have a special space that inspires your writing?


