Double Dare

It takes a lot of guts to be an author. Not only did I have to rewrite the ending of CITY OF SORROWS just weeks before the projected release date, I also had to come up with a completely new title and cover design. It was my marketing director, Beth Jusino, who first...

Guest Posts: Spanish Gypsies

  “Who are the Spanish Gypsies?” Guest post on Andalucí “Celebrating the Gypsies of Granada” Guest post on “Spanish Gypsy Stew” Guest post on “The Underside of Seville:...

God Help The Outcasts

Source: “God Help The Outcasts” A poignant song from Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame  Sung by the fictional Esmeralda, A Gypsy and an Outcast Here’s the You Tube link:...