Close your eyes and imagine a white sand beach surrounded by turquoise-blue water. Feel the sun on your face, warm water between your toes. Hear the rhythm of the waves. Soon you will find that the stress of everyday life melts away. Your mind relaxes. Creativity returns.
The ocean inspires as it heals.
Since ancient times, the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians understood the therapeutic properties of the sea. Hippocrates, Plato and Aristotle recommended the use of hot, seawater baths to not only clean wounds but also for preventative purposes.
“The sea cures all ailments of man.” Plato
In modern times, sea water is recommended as a holistic treatment for several diseases, including asthma, osteoporosis, depression, post pregnancy disorders, and other afflictions. Therapists around the world encourage using seawater as an alternative therapy to treat eczema and psoriasis, joint problems, arthritis, poor circulation, immobility and post-operative conditions. So, where does the healing power of the sea come from?
When immersed in warm seawater, the body absorbs the minerals it needs through the skin. Among the many minerals found in the sea is iodine, which helps the body fight infection while boosting thyroid function. Seawater increases elasticity of skin and improves circulation, helping the body to carry blood to all its vital organs.
Bathing in the sea also impacts muscles and nerve cells. It increases blood circulation and effects emotional health. The sea can bring a mental shift in the way we perceive our lives, teaching us about calmness, depth, intensity, harmony and open-mindedness. Researchers have discovered that the sound of waves actually alters the wave patterns in the brain, soothing us into a deeply calm and relaxed state.
The sound of the waves is just one of the many health benefits of being beside the sea. Have you ever wondered why you always sleep more soundly after spending the day on the beach? It’s because of the sea air. Sea air is full of healthy negative hydrogen ions–charged particles found abundantly in sea spray and concentrated in fresh air–which improve our ability to absorb oxygen by neutralizing damaging free radicals (positive ions). These negative ions also help balance levels of serotonin, a body chemical associated with mood and stress. That is why a day at the beach leaves us feeling not only more alert and energized, but also deeply relaxed and able to rest more soundly. Oh, and let’s not forget about the sand. Sand acts as a natural exfoliant, helping the old skin to shed more quickly and improving its natural regeneration.
So, writers, grab your laptops and pack a good book. Painters, get out that travel easel. It’s time to experience the healing power of the sea.